ワンダと巨像を実況プレイ(English) 初めてのアドベンチャーゲームに酔う

Koco Plays

<< English below Japanese entry >>

生まれてからロックマンみたいな2D アクションとスポーツ系のゲームしかプレイしたことない僕に呆れた(?)妻が、彼女の好きなゲームを少しずつ紹介してくれるようになります。






English ———————————–

Besides sports games and 2D scrollers like Mega Man and Mario, I’d never played games that make you move the camera.

So when Bearfriend introduced me to “The Shadow of the Colossus,” I didn’t think I was in for a 3D world adventure.

These are made by a studio that made “ICO” and “The Last Guardian,” but since we didn’t own consoles that we can record this gameplay, we still have Bearfriend’s favorite titles yet to finish.

The Shadow of the Colossus is played by big name Youtubers, so you might already know it, but this is our version of Wonder’s adventure.
We immediately named Agro (the black horse) Bojack Horseman.

If you’re good at adventure games and don’t have any problems toggling the camera while you play, this is an absolute experience you won’t want to miss.

Thumbs up for the story and graphics!
Highly recommend.

