横浜の大さん橋は見どころ・イベントたくさんでおすすめ!Yokohama Osanbashi

Koco Tries

<< English entry below >>








David Kocotos(@kocosports)がシェアした投稿





English ————————————-

So me and BearFriend were eating fluffy pancakes at “bills” in the Red Brick Buildings in Minatomirai, and noticed a huge platform sticking out into the ocean.
I asked the waiter what it was, and he was kind enough to give me an introduction of the place.

Waiter dude :
“(Ah, must be tourists from out in the sticks, coming for a urban vacation in Yokohama)
That sir, is called Osanbashi, a famous and popular tourist spot in Yokohama. It looks like it’s a fortress from here, but you can easily climb on top of it, and there’s grass you can sit on to enjoy the landscape and the ocean breeze this city has to offer. It still functions as a dock for cruises once in a while. There are shops and restaurants so you won’t be bored.”

We thanked the man, and after finishing our pancakes, we headed to Osanbashi by foot.

It wasn’t far, and being before noon on a weekday, the place was still empty like in the photo. A little while later, there came families with small children, and many photo shoots of newlyweds were happening all over.

We went to their main restaurant called the “Blue Terminal” which we’ll have a review for, but the place was amazing.

There are some kind of events happening every week, and during Christmas season, there will be illuminations during nighttime.
I know I’ve been spending Christmas in Yokohama Stadium these couple of years, so if I ever manage to come, I’ll be sure to give you an update.


